10 High-Calorie Foods That Are Actually Good for You


In a society entrenched in diet culture, we often focus solely on aspects of “healthy” that contribute to weight loss, such as low-fat, low-carb, and low-calorie options. However, there are other important ways to determine what makes food healthy. Additionally, many people aim to gain weight, for which high-calorie foods are essential to help them reach or maintain a certain weight.

High-calorie foods might evoke thoughts of “unhealthy” options like donuts, cake, french fries, soda, or fast food. However, many high-calorie foods, especially whole foods, are also considered healthy due to their nutritional value. For instance, olive oil and avocados contain healthy fats, while nuts and red meat are rich sources of protein and micronutrients. These foods are high in calories but also provide essential vitamins, minerals, and fiber, helping to stabilize blood sugar levels and offer slow-release energy throughout the day.

Learn about 10 healthy high-calorie foods in this blog article by our partner, Signos.